Saturday, September 10, 2011


I started this blog to get myself reading again.

I've been a voracious reader most of my life but somewhere in my mid twenties it started to slow down. This development upset me and so I started this blog in the hopes that I could trick myself back into the habit.

And it worked!

I only updated this blog twice, but I did get my nose back into the books. (Those original reviews have long since been deleted. They weren't very good.) In all of that time though, I've meant to come back to this space in the ether and once again - and in a more regular fashion - pour out my opinions (for what they're worth - and that decision is entirely up to you) on what I'm reading.

There's not much of a theme here, just whatever I'm reading at the time, so expect a skew toward Fantasy, Sci-Fi and other genre fiction (with a smattering of comic reviews thrown in for good measure). I'm not closed off to anything else mind you, that's just where my interests seem to run most often.

Tally ho!